Our “On the Move” series highlights members of our YNPN Boston Leadership Team who have recently transitioned into new jobs. Bibhusha Karki, a YNPN Boston Ambassador, shares her reflections on her recent job search.

Current Job: Program Coordinator, Leadership and Learning Program at Third Sector New England
Last Job: Nonprofit Capacity Building Fellow at Third Sector New England
How did you find your job and prepare your application and interview?
This position became available when my Fellowship at Third Sector New England was coming to an end. Being an internal candidate, I was already aware of the responsibilities, challenges and was familiar with the organization’s culture.
I prepared for the interview like an external candidate without any pre-assumptions. I knew I was passionate about the job and had an honest discussion with the Hiring Manager about my interest and skill level.
Did you negotiate your offer? If so, how did you prepare for this?
Yes, I had taken a salary negotiation workshop organized by YEP-Boston in partnership with the American Association of University Women and the City of Boston’s Work Smart Initiative. That workshop taught me the importance of researching salaries for similar positions and increased my ability to have frank conversations about salary and other benefits.
Maya Angelou said, ” Be careful when a naked man offers you a coat.” I hold this saying close to my heart. If I am not able to sustain myself, I won’t be able to help others. This realization has made me more comfortable discussing salaries as a part of the professional world.
What were you looking for in a new position? How did you know this was the right next job?
I was looking forward to applying my skills in international development, program evaluation, and nonprofit capacity building in this new role. These skills are easily transferrable as I am responsible for designing the nonprofit capacity building fellowship program (the same fellowship I just completed!), coordinating training events/conferences, and improving our evaluation systems within our Leadership and Learning Program.
This role requires me to problem solve, build systems, engage in professional development opportunities, and work with inspiring individuals. It allows me to be a better professional every day!
Tell us a little bit about the transition. How did you give notice to your supervisor, team, and if necessary, the organization? Were you able to help your organization with the transition? How so?
My fellowship program was already ending so I didn’t need to worry about giving notice to my supervisor. I was able to get advice from the program coordinator who was leaving. She had a good documentation of her work, which was very valuable to me. I still continue to maintain her documentation.
What advice would you give other young nonprofit professionals trying to make a big move, whether it’s between jobs or transitioning into the sector or graduating from college?
1) “One day your life will flash before your eyes. Make sure it’s worth watching.”- Gerard Way
2) Networking is fun when you build connections with people based on authentic relationships. You never know an inspiration or even friendship could be hiding behind the mask of a stranger.
Bibhusha Karki is a Research and Evaluation ambassador for YNPN Boston, and the Program Coordinator, Leadership and Learning Program at Third Sector New England. Prior to this, she earned her Masters of Development Practice in International Development with a minor in Public Policy from the Humphrey School of Public Affairs, University of Minnesota. She grew up in Nepal during the decade-long civil war. Her experience with the civil war, and the frequency with which her parents were asked, “Your only child is a daughter?!”, awakened her to the value of human life, and inspired her to rise above the boundaries to make positive change. In her free time, she loves reading, watching movies, traveling, and learning French, photography, and painting.