The temperatures have finally dipped below freezing and eggnog lattes have arrived. As we close out 2016, our leadership team reflected on their professional successes and challenges this year, and how YNPN Boston has contributed to their professional development. Crank up the fireplace and give it a read!
Through YNPN Boston, we expanded our professional networks and learned new skills
“I have expanded and strengthened my professional and social network with so many incredible people – people who have inspired me, educated me, motivated me, and changed me for the better…. [I’ve met] people from different backgrounds and experiences, that all share a progressive and powerful vision for the nonprofit sector – and the world!”
– Brian Watson, Co-Director of Programming and Events
“I’ve learned new skills about time management and juggling multiple priorities as a part of the YNPN Boston Leadership Team.”
– Laura Rooney, Director of Finance
We rose to the #npsquadgoals blog series challenge
YNPN Boston threw the gauntlet for our members to try new (and sometimes scary) things in their professional lives with our #npsquadgoals blog series, and they were ready to rise to the challenges.
“I took part in #npsquadgoals Challenge #4: Become a Nonprofit Marketing Guru. There were a few classes I wanted to take in to gain more skills in both recruitment and marketing and I was able to get my company to sponsor the courses.”
– Freddie Montgomery, Communications and Marketing Ambassador
“I started off strong on #npsquadgoals, and completed Challenge #1: Strengthen Your Network and Challenge #2: Build Your Leadership Skills. I really enjoyed taking the leadership self-assessment in Challenge #2. At a team meeting, we took this self-assessment to the next level by also filling it out for a partner, and then comparing the results. It was really illuminating to see where the differences were between what I perceived my strengths and weaknesses to be, and what my partner saw!”
– Alyson Weiss, Co-Director of Communications and Marketing
We felt empowered to get outside of our comfort zone at the workplace
YNPN Boston members felt empowered to make some bold professional moves in 2016, pursuing dream careers, taking on new leadership roles at work, planning office social activities, practicing the art of networking, and even asking for a raise.
“I started a new job at a new (and great) organization! That’s always out of your comfort zone at first, but I am happily getting used to the routine now.”
– Laine Kyllonen, Co-Director of Programming and Events
“I’ve led several trainings around customer service with my team.. This was new for me, both as a topic of expertise and as a leadership role. I even adapted the training I put together for my workplace and presented it to my fellow YNPN Boston Communications and Marketing Leadership Team.”
– Bren Cole, Communications and Marketing Ambassador
“Networking is so not my thing and I’ve gotten way better at it during this year at YNPN Boston.”
– Shawna Ellis, Operations Ambassador.
Our Leadership Team veterans reflected on how things have changed since their first days with YNPN Boston.
“In the three years that I’ve been involved, YNPN Boston has increased the size and capacity of our leadership team, hosted unique and engaging networking events, produced some amazing content, and expanded our fundraising activities. The best thing about YNPN Boston is that at its core, its a bunch of smart and talented young people who are so passionate about the nonprofit sector that they spend their nights and weekends volunteering to help make it better.”
– Lindsay Brown, Co-Director of Fundraising
Need some inspiration for your 2017 resolutions? Take a look back at our 2016 #npsquadgoals Challenges for ideas on ways to really spread your professional wings and fly (professionally) in the new year!