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Home » Top Three Reasons to Take the 2015 Young Nonprofit Professionals Survey

Top Three Reasons to Take the 2015 Young Nonprofit Professionals Survey

For the past several years, YNPN Boston has been conducting an annual survey to increase our understanding of the needs and opinions of Boston’s young nonprofit professionals. This annual survey informs our programming and advocacy work by providing critical information on the constituents we strive to serve (aka: YOU).

Here are the top three reasons you should participate in the 2015 Young Nonprofit Professionals Survey and also share the survey in your network:

1. Help us better serve YOU

As highlighted in our recent blog post, YNPN Boston is much more than our listserv— we are part of a national movement — led by 40+ YNPN chapters across the country — to develop a stronger, higher impact nonprofit community through professional development events and leadership opportunities.

The primary goal of the annual survey is to increase our understanding of who Boston’s young nonprofit professionals are – where they work, what they care about, what they need to grow and thrive, and why they are in the nonprofit sector to begin with – in order to align our future programming and events with YOUR goals and aspirations. Here at YNPN Boston, we understand that accessing quality and affordable professional development opportunities in the nonprofit sector can be a real challenge- so help us help you get what you need by filling out the YNPN Young Nonprofit Professionals Survey.

2. Contribute to the conversation

YNPN Boston aspires to be a voice and advocate for nonprofit professionals locally and nationally. Through our listserv, we connect thousands of young professionals and nonprofit organizations to job openings, volunteer positions, professional development opportunities, and other resources.

We also strive to give young nonprofit professionals a space to discuss issues affecting our sector through our programs, such as our “Nerding Out to Get Ahead” series. We’ve also partnered with other local nonprofit professional groups such as the Massachusetts Nonprofit Network and Emerging Practitioners in Philanthropy to co-host networking events.

Last year, our Young Nonprofit Professionals Survey helped us identify professional development gaps in the Boston area (for some of the results, check out this blog post) and disseminate this vital information to the public. This year’s survey seeks to contribute to the wider conversation of critical issues facing young nonprofit professionals. By filling out the 2015 survey, you have the opportunity to contribute your voice and perspective to the local and national conversation on these important issues. You also help arm YNPN Boston with concrete data and research so that we can advocate on your behalf!

3. Just a few minutes will make a big impact

The survey will only take between 5 and 10 minutes–we promise! You can take it on your phone on your T-ride to work or during your lunch break. A few minutes of your time is a small investment for you that will make a big impact for YNPN Boston.

Help us empower and connect tomorrow’s nonprofit leaders. Take the 2015 Young Nonprofit Professionals Survey today!