Chris Herron Professional Development Grant Recipient

What made you decide to apply?
I wanted funding support for the bootcamp program.
With your grant, what PD opportunity were you able to complete?
The YNPN Boston Chris Herron Professional Development Fund was used to support my participation in the 6-week money bootcamp for creatives. I so appreciate the privilege to work with coach Jen Aly to learn tools, techniques and strategies alongside a cohort community for creating a sustainable creative practice. In addition, I am able to bring back the dynamic skills I learned to share and engage with my colleagues.
What were some key takeaways or next steps that came out of that opportunity?
In doing the 6-week bootcamp, I was able to understand better my own blockages and relationship to money. It made me understand and focus in on my goals and what I hope to accomplish in both the short and long-term. I also connected with my cohort community and saw that others share similar relationships around money, financial well-being and hopes for a stronger and more sustainable practice for their business and creative life. Overall, it gave me more hope and the push needed to take the next steps that I want in my work and practice!
Do you have any tips for someone getting started in the nonprofit sector?
Start networking! Sign on to list serves like YNPN, attend events, reach out to people for informational interviews.
If you are interested in receiving support from the Chris Herron Professional Development Fund, please visit our page to learn more and apply!